Moms are badass.
Evil Spawn' is a game designed to help new moms struggling with postpartum depression relieve stress and cope with the mental health struggles that come with bringing life into the world. Moms are tasked with completing missions to protect their precious baby, no matter how demonic it might appear at times.
By exposing these deeply conflicting feelings through an exciting game, 21GRAMS aims to relieve the immense and unreasonable pressure society places on women to be the "perfect mother". Whether fighting bad guys or fighting PPD, Evil Spawn is a game for the most hardcore human beings out there: Moms.

I worked with the amazing comic artist, Laourdekis (@laourde on instagram), to create the comic illustration for the game trailer. I made a comic book script and a storyboard, for which he illustrated the comic pages above, to bring this game trailer to life.
To see the full animated game trailer for ‘Evil Spawn’ watch the video below.